
Among all the other common requirements of our app, the multilanguage is the most complex, since it requires to make changes almost in every main area of our code.

Supported languages

The first thing we need to do is to define the supported languages (English and Italian to begin) in docs/language.json:

        "id": 1,
        "slug": "en",
        "name": "English",
        "native_name": "English",
        "locale": "en_US"
        "id": 2,
        "slug": "it",
        "name": "Italian",
        "native_name": "Italiano",
        "locale": "it_IT"


We need to modify our routes adding language code prefixes for urls. We generate an array of the ISO 639-1 language codes of our supported languages, and we map it to generate our multilanguage routes, replicating all routes for each language and prefixing them with the language code (/en/, /it/, ...).

Our app/routes.js will then look like:

const languages = require('../docs/languages.json');
// Mithril base components
const Home = require('./pages/Home.js');
const NotFound = require('./pages/NotFound.js');
const Section = require('./pages/Section.js');
// ...

// List of allowed languages
const allowedLanguages = => language.slug);

// Plain routes (without language prefix)
const plainRoutes = {
    '/': Home,
    '/sections/:key': Section,
    // ...
    '/:other': NotFound

// Build the complete routes tree for all the languages
const routes = {};
routes['/'] = Home; => {
    Object.keys(plainRoutes).forEach((route) => {
        routes['/' + language + route] = plainRoutes[route];
// Template for 404 errors
routes['/:other'] = NotFound;

module.exports = routes;


The first change we have to do in our app/server/index.js is to define a redirect to the default language (English, in our case):

// Redirect to the default language
app.get('/', (req, res) => {

We need to define our routes in such a way that we are be able to detect if the requested URLs are matching or not with existing contents. We need to check if the first part or the URL matches with a code of our list of supported languages. To do that before resolving the components associated with the routes, we add an Express middleware in the routes definitions (utils.checkLanguage) which checks the language prefix and, if valid, passes it down in the request as req.activeLanguage property and, if not, it redirects to /.

We can define the active language as

const activeLanguage = req.activeLanguage || 'en';

and use it to:

  • read the right table of contents (toc.json);
  • initialize the state passing down the active language in it;
  • initialize the i18n module to use the right translations file (more on that later);
  • initialize the fetcher for localized resources.

Our app/server/index.js will then look like:

const express = require('express');
const m = require('mithril');
const resources = require('../resources.js');
const routes = require('../routes.js');
const stateManager = require('../stateman.js');
const t = require('../translate.js');
const toHTML = require('mithril-node-render');
const utils = require('./utils.js');

const app = express();
const router = express.Router();

// Redirect to the default language
app.get('/', (req, res) => {

// Build Express routes mapping Mithril routes
Object.keys(routes).forEach((route) => {

    router.get(route, utils.checkLanguage, (req, res, next) => {
        const module = routes[route];
        const onmatch = module.onmatch || (() => module);
        const render = module.render || (a => a);

        const activeLanguage = req.activeLanguage || 'en';
        const sections = require(`../../docs/${activeLanguage}/toc.json`);

        // Istantiate a new state at every request
        const stateman = Object.create(stateManager);
            globals: {
                activeLanguage: activeLanguage
            sections: sections

        const translations = require('../../docs/i18n/' + activeLanguage + '.json');
        const fetcher = Object.create(resources);
        fetcher.init(activeLanguage, req.cookies);

        const attrs = Object.assign({}, req.params, req.query, {fetcher, res, sections, stateman});

            .then(() => m(onmatch(attrs, req.url) || 'div', attrs))
            .then((html) => {

app.use('/', router);

module.exports = app;


As previously disclosed, our resources module needs to be initialized with the active language to be able to fetch the right localized contents.

const marked = require('marked');
const request = require('./request.js');

const port = process.env.PORT || 3000;
const localUrl = 'http://' + (process.browser ? : '' + port);
const localData = localUrl + '/docs';
let activeLanguage;

const manageErrors = (err) => {
    // console.log('Request error: ', err);
    return Promise.reject(err);

module.exports = {
    init: (lang) => {
        activeLanguage = lang || 'en';

    getSection: section => request.get(`${localData}/${activeLanguage}/${section}.md`, { deserialize: value => value })
        .then(data => marked(data, {
            renderer: new marked.Renderer(),
            gfm: true,
            tables: true,
            breaks: false,
            pedantic: false,
            sanitize: true,
            smartLists: true,
            smartypants: false

    getSections: () => request.get(`${localData}/${activeLanguage}/toc.json`)
        .then(data => data)

    // ...


Our SPA entry point also needs to be modified to support multilanguage. On the client we know the active language from the shared state from the server, so we define our activeLanguage variable as:

const activeLanguage = stateman.get('globals.activeLanguage') || 'en';

Similar as in the server side counterpart, we also need it to initialize the i18n module and the fetcher. Our app/index.js will then look like:

const m = require('mithril');
const routes = require('./routes.js');
const stateManager = require('./stateman.js');
const resources = require('./resources.js');
const t = require('./translate.js');

const sharedState = window.__preloadedState || {};

// Get app state from server shared state
const stateman = Object.create(stateManager);
stateman.init(Object.assign({}, sharedState));
const activeLanguage = stateman.get('globals.activeLanguage') || 'en';
const fetcher = Object.create(resources);

const clientRoutes = {};

    .then((messages) => {
        return stateman.get('sections') || fetcher.getSections();
    .then((sections) => {
        const attrs = {fetcher: fetcher, stateman: stateman, sections: sections};
        Object.keys(routes).forEach((route) => {
            clientRoutes[route] = {
                onmatch: (args, requestedPath) => routes[route].onmatch ? routes[route].onmatch(attrs, requestedPath) : routes[route],
                render: (vnode) => {
                    Object.assign(vnode.attrs, attrs);
                    return vnode;
    .then(() => {
        m.route(document.body, '/', clientRoutes);


In the client side code above you may have noticed that the route mapping is now inside a Promise chain. That's because now we need to perform an async request and a couple of other operations before mounting the app:

  • get the right translations file with fetcher.getTranslations();
  • use it to initialize our internationalization library with t.init(messages);
  • get the localized table of contents from the state, or fetch it otherwise with stateman.get('sections') || fetcher.getSections().

For the internationalization of our app we use Stephan Hoyer's translate.js, a micro library for translations with support for placeholders and multiple plural forms, which also plays very well with VDOM libraries like Mithril.

We define our own translation module (app/translate.js):

const m = require('mithril');
const translatejs = require('translate.js');

const options = {
    debug: true,  //[Boolean]: Logs missing translations to console and add "@@" around output, if `true`.
    array: false,  //[Boolean]: Returns translations with placeholder-replacements as Arrays, if `true`.
    resolveAliases: false  //[Boolean]: Parses all translations for aliases and replaces them, if `true`.

let messages = {};

const translate = (key, args) => {
    const t = translatejs(messages, options);
    return args ?, args)) : t(key);

translate.init = (data) => {
    if (data) messages = data;

translate.getTranslations = () => messages;

module.exports = translate;

We define one key-value translation file per language in JSON format (i.e. docs/i18n/en.json), which will look like:

    "header.title": "Isomorphic JS with Mithril",
    "sidebar.toc": "Table of contents",

and then we translate the strings simply calling the t helper:

t('header.title') // returns 'Isomorphic JS with Mithril' for 'en' active language