
On the client side things are similar, but simplier. In the entry point of the client side app (app/index.js) we also need to manage the possible presence possible presence of a RouteResolver object as main component, and consequently its onmatch() and/or render() methods:

const m = require('mithril');
const routes = require('./routes.js');

const sharedState = window.__preloadedState || {};

const clientRoutes = {};

Object.keys(routes).forEach((route) => {
    clientRoutes[route] = {
        onmatch: (args, requestedPath) => routes[route].onmatch ? routes[route].onmatch(attrs, requestedPath) : routes[route],
        render: vnode => vnode

The last step is to mount our client side SPA in the document body:

m.route(document.body, '/', clientRoutes);

It's important to change Mithril's default routing strategy to match it with the one used by Express. Using m.route.prefix we change the router prefix from #! (hashbang strategy - default) to '' (pathname strategy).